Making Taxes Easy for Small Business

Many economic scholars see small businesses, to be the largest contributor to economic growth and employment creation on the planet. The ratio of small business, to big business in different countries varies. It is predicted that small business as a collective, will eclipse big business as a force in the economic landscape in future years. Be that as it may, fact remains that small business, is crucial to every countries economic development.Limited research however, has been conducted on a variety of issues affecting small business. The global small business failure rate remains high, at an unacceptable rate of 80%(some say 95%), within the first year of formation. Common concerns about small business are confined to only cash flow problems, and under capitalization. Whilst these two, are major culprits in business failures, they not the only factors. Weak marketing, skills shortages, bad management, capacity are other factors, contributing to business failure. Taxes can also be added to the list as a cause of business failure.Since many start-up businesses cannot afford to procure the services of a tax consultant/ advisor, they eventually fall foul of the taxation requirements of their respective tax authorities.
A small business is treated no different from a huge multinational corporation in many tax regimes around the globe. This treatment comes with its own set of problems. The one being the failure of the small business. Tax authorities, vigorously pursue errant taxpayers, be they big or small. In fact, it can be proven that harsher enforcement by tax authorities are reserved for small businesses!Governments have yet to honestly acknowledge the role of small business and stop paying only lip service to its promotion. The current tax system for small business, in most countries will have to be revisited. No one is suggesting that tax authorities should grant small businesses “special treatment” forever. Just a breather, so as to enable them to grow at a faster pace.To accommodate a small business and its growth, whilst being fair, a concept known as “thresholds tax”, can be implemented for small business. It is in place for individuals, and also known as progressive taxation. Simply put, it means, the more someone earns, the more they taxed. Many countries levy a fixed percentage tax on “profits” of businesses, big or small. This tax is not fair, and fairness is a prerequisite for a good tax system. Even the slightly different tax regime for “Small Business Corporations”, in most countries still does not address the problem.The controversial “profit” in business accounting, especially small business has not been thoroughly researched by tax lawmakers. Profit does not always equate to positive cash flow.
The working capital factors tied into profit, results in severe cash flow setbacks for small business. It is therefore unfair to tax the small business on profit, like the bigger companies, since bigger businesses finance their profits and/ or working capital via many methods, internal and external. These avenues are not available to smaller businesses.Herewith some suggestions on making taxes easy for small business.

Give small business a tax holiday of about two years after start-up.
Simplify tax legislation.
Tax small business only on “cash generated by operations”, up to a certain threshold.
Profit less working capital (debtors and inventory on hand) plus depreciation equals cash generated by operations, which in turn becomes taxable income.
Exempt small business from employee; value added or general sales tax up to certain thresholds. (Already in place in some countries).
Taxable income thresholds could be, 0 to $200 000; $201 000 to $500 000(for small business), depending on the definition of a small business in the respective country.
As soon as the taxable income exceeds $ 500 000, a higher progressive rate applies.
Taxes on “cash” income could also fall away at this level.
My suggestions are in no way exhaustive. More substantive research is needed. If we accept that we live in a global village, taxes will also have to be harmonized and standardized, between the different countries. What International Accounting Standards have done for accounting; can be suggested for taxation also.

The Social Technological Landscape

A Discourse on Techno-sociological BehaviorsTechnological advances are no longer terms that prompt confused facial responses and infantile explanations. The presence of these advances and a host of recreational gadgets transform mediocrity into fame. These projections are witnessed through television documentaries, motion pictures, and supportive media. The issues raised by technological advances guide the process of social gentrification. This is revealed by the attention paid to the definition of “technology”. There is variety of newly constructed social settings juxtaposed to an already delineated environment. This produces and articulates an enticing arrangement of social interaction. The appearance of acceptability and stability presented by these various mediums is void of theoretical development as a course of change agency. The social fabric of human interaction is achieved by re materializing loyalties of a new milieu toward immaterial cultural practices and fixation on the politics of identity. The immense influence of this societal and cultural movement towards technology, substitutes our attention from social principals and relations to behavior that taints social acceptance. The number of individuals who appear to be outwardly secure in the world of cell phones, game boys, and iPods is emergent. This conduct has displaced human elements of decision making based on firsthand experience and social contacts that would naturally materialize. Modern youth are not involved in social activities benefiting from the differences that various cultures have afforded. Ones proclivities are such that these isolated and collective social contacts produce the understanding possible to make connections that transcend the idiomatic behaviors of classes, consequential relationships, and acquaintances. Within this framework the complex manner assists in expounding everyday social life through the embodiment of meanings, values, and symbolism.The internet enjoys marked advances adding to the extent of global reach with worldwide web and wireless communications. Themes of debate emerge citing concerns of privacy, commerce, and security as an irreversible effect on the landscape of business and personal communication, as empirical proof to the state 21st century privacy is a direct result of our technological advances. When examining the impact of technology on the application of old laws and new technologies we find that there is a ‘wild west” style of social networking such as Facebook and MySpace yielding differentiated values and colloquial identity amalgamated under the technological umbrella. Considering the liberal humanism in which our young and their colleagues are engaged, the peopling of gadgets amidst a human landscape has led to a more insensitive incorporation of technology and human agency. Very few of the individuals engaged in the peopling of technology actually represent their theory in practice.The media, which serve as another stimulant in the lives of today’s youth and adult information, are in part responsible for communicating, “poor communication.” While lower standards are set by cutting edge media stars spoon feeding the illicit while sustaining these representations in the context of technology alluding to its affects as a social difference. Technological disadvantages and the isolation it creates, is a global phenomenon with local expressions. As the technological disadvantaged are labeled as unskilled labor, rural and urban America attempt to reveal the impetus behind the behaviors of anti social fears presented by its backlashWithin the clinical settings, beauty parlors, corner stores, and restaurants individuals share information and tell stories conveying verbal preservation of folklore with patrons engrossed in purveying stories to substantiate declamatory accolades. We find ourselves in a new form of discrimination through technology. This affection for privacy may not be exclusive, but the desire to escape the routine occurs without creating new ways to affix it in a subjective manner. For some the rejection of technology is a rejection of western values. The individualism and lack of communal effort can be realized within both, individuals who arrive from the suburbs, and the ever present factions in the city who feel you should be privy to their young families, foul language, and dirty laundry. The separable variables, iPods, make it easy to be individually and silently plugged into various modes of pacification while trenched in dominant ideals of suburban life, and the expression for new conditions of experience by a consolidation of new technological socialization initiated by an emerging influence of those who turn toward gangs, and those who adhere to a resurgence of separatist behaviors.We would be coaxed into believing this a natural order of progression in the human condition to exist positively affected by technological toys. Individuals exercise their right in taking back their privacy and peace of mind through escapism. The “let’s not be here now” approach to problems posed in the urban environment is dealt with through the personal head set. In the populist language of the future, “get away from it all” are attempts to hide the erosion of family values and neighborhood security. Technology has acquired many American jobs and ushered them overseas as off shoring accounts simplified through use of technology fueling revanchist behavior by the ever increasing manifestation of cheap labor. An entity technology can bring to your door step.Amidst another technological renaissance, consequent social behavior justifies a critique of the development and political contributions of the largest market comprising our private, leisure, and employment milieu. The dissociative and apathetic behavior of a transparent human social contract is sensitive to circumstances that promote the distancing of our next door neighbor, friends, and colleagues through technological mediums. Significant growth of the technological phenomenon since its inception is illustrated by the creators of Buck Rodgers and Dick Tracy to public agencies who tend to the aftermath these two forces generate. The difficulty of procuring a format to study technological continentalism, its cause and effect, and potential to impact the behavior of society through technology is a difficult one.

Skin Care Advice – What Can You Believe?

Skin care advice is worth its weight in gold when it directs the consumer to all natural skin care products. Healthy and glowing skin can be achieved by using natural skin care products and organic face care products, rather than ones containing synthetic ingredients. Take the time to verify skin care advice to make sure it is based on fact, and not hype.Organic face care moisturizers, lotions, and serums are becoming more and more visible on the shelves of department and drug stores throughout the country. Consumers are more educated about skin care and are more interested in the ingredients of their products than in previous years. The organic face care and skin care industry in general has responded to the consumer demand for more healthful products by offering a wide range of products that will fit almost every budget.There is a lot of hype out there concerning all natural skin care products. So, what skin care advice can you actually believe? When it comes to trusting what you hear and read, the thing to remember is to conduct your own research. Every consumer should be educated about the ingredients that are healthy for the skin. Read the labels on your skin care products to make certain they contain natural ingredients, before purchasing them.With that said, what ingredients should your skin care products contain? Organic face care products and other skin care products such as lotions, serums, cosmetics, anti-wrinkle creams, and shampoos, should contain only holistic and non-synthetic ingredients. When you apply lotion or any other skin care product to your skin, roughly 60% of the ingredients contained in that product will be absorbed through your skin and into your bloodstream. It makes perfect sense then, that the ingredients should be natural and therefore not harmful to our bodies.Keep in mind that skin care advice will come at you from every direction in the form of marketing campaigns. Be educated about your skin care and you’ll be prepared to choose your organic face care and skin care products with the best ingredients.Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant and will help your skin to battle the aging process. Vitamin E is effective in reducing the look of fine lines; laugh lines, and wrinkles on your skin. This vital ingredient defies the free radicals in the air by protecting your skin and giving the skin a healthy glow.Jojoba oil is another holistic ingredient contained in all natural skin care products, as well as organic face care products. It is essentially a vegetable oil, but its very make up mimics the naturally occurring oil in the skin called sebum, making it an excellent moisturizer for the skin. Skin that is kept moisturized will naturally appear younger and healthier.Many women show their age in and around the eye area. Organic face care products that contain grapeseed oil are a good choice. Research has revealed that grapeseed oil has a healing effect on the skin around the eyes, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines effectively.So there you have it. Just keep in mind that skin care advice is worth listening to if it directs you to all natural and organic skin care. These are the products that will have holistic and healthy ingredients that will provide results that will impress you.